Understand Your Emotions for Optimum Health

Psyche-Care is a private counselling practice offering appointments in Crows Nest Sydney, Central Coast and Online.
Your Counsellor Christine Bennett is committed to caring for your emotional wellbeing, facilitating and supporting positive change for individuals, couples and families and within the workplace.
Are you struggling with managing your emotions?
- Do you wake up each morning feeling as if you just can't face the day?
- Do you find comfort in food and/or alcohol and then wish you hadn't?
- Do you find yourself yelling out the car window at other drivers on the road?
- Do you feel nervous in crowded areas and find yourself unable to travel by bus or train?
- Do you have a problem speaking at meetings in your workplace?
- Have you lost someone close to you and wonder when the pain will go away?
- Do you lose your temper often with work colleagues or friends and wonder why they avoid you?
- Do you storm off when your partner says the "wrong" thing or you don't get your own way?
- Do have little or no motivation to reach your goals? Or maybe you have no goals?
- Do you feel sad most of the time and wonder whether life is worth living?
- Do have little if any interest in what is going on in the world around you?
- Are you being bullied either at home or in the workplace?
- Do you struggle with the demands of being a parent?
- Do you wonder how you will cope once baby is born or have other concerns around pregnancy?
- Is life sometimes just too much to deal with?
If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, then counselling can help with managing your emotions. You may be suffering from anger issues, depression, anxiety, grief, stress or lack of confidence, an eating disorder or other addiction.